The Problem
The access of trucks to a mine is traditionally managed by separate systems i.e. Site Access Control and a Weighbridge Control System. These systems do not talk to each other and are typically provided by separate service providers. Both rely heavily on paper, spreadsheets and Humans.
Site Access Security
In the geographies in which we operate, Crime Syndicates actively work to gain unlawful access to mines, using their own fleet of “cloned” trucks or compromising legitimate Drivers. Sometimes Mine Staff are also compromised resulting in $ millions in losses. The Tontrac Platform provides a layered defense, ensuring that only authorised Vehicles are allowed on site. Scanning technology means Human intervention is minimised and the decision to allow access or not is made by the System.
Weighbridge Security
Product can be stolen “on the weighbridge” or “between weighbridges”. Because of the high volume of traffic, both Mine Owner and Haulier can be non-the wiser. Tontrac’s proprietary technology is designed to detect changes in vehicles or trailers and compares sending and receiving weights automatically, flagging material differences for attention in real time. Unplanned stops enroute are monitored and flagged in real time, as are deviations from preplanned routes. This information is passed on to Mine Security for investigation.
The Problem
Site Access Control and Weighbridge Control can be bottlenecks to production if reliant on Humans.
Tontrac speeds up both Site Access and Weighbridge processing through proprietary automation technologies, allowing the flow of product to market to massively accelerate.
The Problem
Road and Mine Regulations are complex and failure to comply can lead to punitive fines or mine shut down. Reliance on Humans leads to frequent compliance failures.
Compliance Verification
Tontrac encodes Key Regulations in the System as well as Driver and Vehicle Compliance Records and Maximum Weight Allowances – and checks for compliance before allowing a vehicle to enter or leave site.
Cash Flow
The Problem
Traditional systems generate paper waybills as proof of collection and delivery. Each organisation must capture and reconcile these Waybills before payment is possible. This can take weeks.
Automated Waybill Reconciliation
Tontrac provides One Source of Truth about what has been collected and delivered. Reconciliation happens instantly and billing can happen straight away.
Traffic Management
The Problem
Each site has a maximum vehicle tolerance. Too many vehicles can lead to gridlock in the production yard. A lack of visibility to vehicles on site and in the vicinity can lead to too many (or too little) vehicles being dispatched, affecting production.
Real Time Traffic Monitoring
Tontrac provides real time visibility to vehicles on site and between sites, allowing for optimised management of the flow of traffic.